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Pipe Profile Cutting Machine (PPCM) Automation

What is Pipe Profile Cutting?

The process of cutting and shaping of pipes as per required designs using special tools and techniques is called PROFILE PIPE CUTTING. This process is crucial in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and oil and gas.

Methods used in Pipe Profile Cutting

1. Laser Cutting:

In this method a high-powered laser beam is used to melt, focus and vaporize the material of the pipes with precision and accuracy.

Pros: High precision, speed and no material contamination are some of the advantages of Laser Cutting.

Cons: High equipment costs and energy consumption are few disadvantages.

2. Plasma Cutting:

Employs a plasma arc (high power arc between electrode and metal) to melt the material and a heated gas stream is used to blow of the molten metal thus cutting the metal.

Pros: Plasma Cutting is well suited process for huge pipes with thickness more than 10mm. The initial equipment cost is also relatively less.

Cons: It’s not very clean process ad may require post clean-up process

3. Waterjet Cutting:

Utilizes a high-pressure water jet to cut through pipes, ideal for sensitive materials.

Pros: High precision, clean cuts and cold-cutting process that doesn’t generate heat input to the part, so it eliminates the risk of thermal distortion or changes in material properties.

Cons: High Cutting Time, In-efficiencies and high initial costs are few limitations of this process.

4. CNC Machining:

Involves using mechanical tools and CNC controlled systems for cutting pipes.

Pros: High precision, clean cuts and variable depth in cuts can be achieved in this process.

Cons: High initial and maintenance cost. Selection of right kind of tools is a tedious job.

Benefits of Pipe Profile Cutting

  1. Accuracy: Precise cuts ensure accurate fittings and connections.
  2. Efficiency: Streamlines production processes, reducing time and labor costs.
  3. Flexibility: Allows for complex designs and custom shapes.
  4. Quality: Produces smooth, burr-free cuts, enhancing overall product quality.

Applications of Pipe Profile Cutting

  1. Construction: Piping systems, structural frameworks, and architectural features.
  2. Manufacturing: Machinery, equipment, and product components.
  3. Oil and Gas: Pipeline systems, fittings, and connectors.
  4. Aerospace: Aircraft and spacecraft components.

Automation of pipe profile cutting by plasma

Below is the study of the automation made for pipe profile cutting by APS welding.

Basic Requirements of automation:

  • Size of Pipe:
    • Dia of Pipe: 4 to 24 Inch.
    • Thickness: up to 30 mm.
    • Length: 12m.
  • Rotational speed of chuck: 0.1 to 1.6 rpm
  • Cutting Angle: -90⁰ to +90⁰

Features required in automation:

Auto Adjustment of torch angle: Torch should be auto calibrated to 0 degrees and the cutting angle should be set with respect to the same axis.

Y axis movement control: The Y-axis movement of the torch should be controlled using proximity sensors to avoid collisions and malfunctioning of automation

Auto distance adjustment between two cuts: The automation should be capable of maintain the fixed distance between the cuts.

Hardware of the machine:

  • Rhino Cut 200 – 200A Plasma Cutting power Source
  • Cooling unit with 50L tank
  • 24-inch Chuck
  • 2 HP induction Motor with Gear Box (RV90 100:1 Ratio) & Helical Reducer (3:1 Ratio).
  • Nema 34 Stepper Motor (BH86 SH 118-6004 AK) with Stepper Drive (BH-MSD-6A).
  • Control Box with LCD display
  • Cable ways and track for smooth mechanical movement (13m).

Features of Automation:

1Run in Speed00.0 - 10.0m/min0.5m/minm/min
2Run in Distance02.0 - 25.0mm0.5mmmm
3Run in Direction0 - F/1 - R0-RightLFT/RHT
4Vertical Speed0.00 - 1.20m/min0.05m/minm/min
5Pierce Height01.0 - 25.0mm0.5mmmm
6Cut Height01.0 - PIERCE_HEIGHT0.5mmmm
7Cut Angle-90 to +90DEG1 Degdeg
8Pierce Delay00.0 - 25.00.1ss
9Job Length00000 to 12000mm1mmmm
10Straight Distance00.0 - 25.00.1mmmm
11Angular Speed1 - 101deg/secDEG/SEC
12Jog Distance00000 to 12000mm1mmmm

Auto Calibration of the torch

The automation auto calibrates itself going to its initial position at 0 degree and top of the Y axis movement for next cutting.

Auto cut and pierce height adjustment as per job

Torch can sense the surface of the pipe with the help of sensor and maintains the cut height according to the input data, for accurate and precision cutting.

Job Length auto adjustment

The cutting ARM auto travels to the next cut point as per the given length of the job.

Settable Run-In Distance and Direction

Run-In-Distance is the distance travel by the torch after doing the pierce Hole to cut the actual profile of the pipe. Hence, automation allows you to set a run-in distance up to 25mm.

Major Challenges faced during design and manufacturing of automation

  • Vibration in travel of y-axis due to ball screw misalignment.
  • Isolation of control systems from high frequency electromagnetic waves.
  • Vibration in movement of Torch-setup due to misalignment of LM Rail at joints.
  • Jerk in movement of Rack & Pinion due to trapped dust between gear teeth.
  • Improper foundation may lead to misalignment and malfunctioning of automation.
  • Exhaust management.


Job Specifications:

Pipe Outer Diameter: 12in

Pipe Thickness: 10mm


Pipe profile cutting is a vital process in various industries, offering accuracy, efficiency, flexibility, and quality. By choosing the appropriate cutting method, businesses can optimize their production processes and produce high-quality products using various automations.

We have successfully installed the automation and are able to cut thicknesses ranging from 5mm to 15mm.

The Cut quality achieved is satisfactory with minimum after cut operations requirement

Article written by Vruthik Patel (Design Engineer – APS Welding)